Discount Gold and Silver Trading

American Survival Newsletter:
Combining the World of Finance, Health & Politics

American Gold

A weekly newsletter brought to you by
Discount Gold & Silver 800-375-4188
Edited by Alfred Adask
Friday, August 17th, A.D. 2012

Between Friday, August 10th and Friday, August 17th, the bid prices for:

Gold fell 0.3 % from $1,620.50 to $1,615.80
Silver fell 0.1 % from $28.13 to $28.09
Platinum rose 5.4 % from $1,394 to $1,469
Palladium rose 4.7 % from $579 to $606
DJIA rose 0.5 % from 13,207.95 to 13,275.20
NASDAQ rose 1.8 % from 3,020.86 to 3,076.20
NYSE rose 0.7 % from 8,044.76 to 8,102.07
US Dollar Index rose 0.0 % from 82.56 to 82.56
Crude Oil rose 3.1 % from $93.31 to $96.21

The End of Credit?

by Alfred Adask

Back about A.D. 2000, I briefly met a Chinese man who had an unusual reputation.  According to some, he’d owned a business that had prospered for 10 years—but which he secretly knew to be on the verge of bankruptcy.  

Therefore, while his credit rating was still high, he applied for ten credit cards from ten different banks.  Each credit card had a $25,000 limit.  He proceeded to spend the limit on each credit card and rang up a bill of one quarter million dollars.  He didn’t repay one dime. 

When the credit card companies came a-callin’ to ask when he’d pay his debt, he replied in writing by registered mail that he’d be happy to pay just as soon as the credit card company verified the alleged debts.  All collection efforts stopped and the Chinese man skated away with $250,000 in goods and services.

According to the story, the Uniform Debt Collection Procedures Act provides all debtors with the right to demand that their alleged debts be verified.  That means that if you claim I owe you, say, $10,000 I have to right to demand that you swear under oath to the debt’s existence and size.

So, let’s suppose that last March 22nd (while running up $250,000 in credit card debt) our Chinese gentleman spent $108.22 on groceries, $1,972.98 on a new flat screen TV, $42.18 on booze, and $12.00 on parking.  Do you suppose a credit card company could find the grocery store cashier, the TV salesman, the bartender and the parking attendant who could verify under oath that on March 22nd, that they distinctly remember the transaction in question and the Chinese gentleman being party to that transaction? 

Assuming that such cashiers, salesmen, and bartenders could even be found and distinctly recalled each purchase by the Chinese gentleman, what do you suppose it would cost the credit card companies to find ‘em, put ‘em all on oath in front of a notary, and later, transport them to the court room whenever their testimony was required?

The logistical problems in verifying one large debt are challenging.  The logistical problems of verifying scores of individual transactions are almost impossible to overcome.

Thus, rather than attempt the impossible, once the Chinese gentleman asked that his debts be verified, the credit card companies ceased collection efforts.

The story illustrates an essential principle for the credit card industry:  The entire business model is absolutely dependent on customers voluntarily repaying their debts.   If customers stop repaying their debts voluntarily—and resist paying in court—the credit card industry will die.

•  In support of that principle, The New York Times recently reported (“Problems Riddle Moves to Collect Credit Card Debt”) that,
The same problems that plagued the foreclosure process — and prompted a multibillion-dollar settlement with big banks — are now emerging in the debt collection practices of credit card companies.

As they work through a glut of bad loans, companies like American Express, Citigroup, and Discover Financial are going to court to recoup their money. But many of the lawsuits rely on erroneous documents, incomplete records and generic testimony from witnesses, according to judges who oversee the cases.

Lenders, the judges said, are churning out lawsuits without regard for accuracy, and improperly collecting debts from consumers. The concerns echo a recent abuse in the foreclosure system, a practice known as robo-signing in which banks produced similar documents for different homeowners and did not review them.
The sheer volume of credit card transactions is so enormous that individual transactions are extremely difficult to accurately track, remember or record.  As a result, companies that provide credit can’t legally and efficiently collect the amounts due.

Implications?  Either the volume of credit card transactions must be limited to whatever number can be reliably tracked and enforced, or the very nature of credit card transactions must be modified to insure that efficient collection is possible.

If the nature of credit card transactions is significantly changed so as to make each credit card transaction more easily enforced, it seems certain that credit card transactions will become increasingly complex and difficult.  If CC transactions become more difficult, CC usage will decline.

How might the “nature” of CC transaction (or at least the use of “plastic”) be changed? 

One way would be to give most people debit cards rather than credit cards.  Then, if you spend any money, it’s your money—not the credit card company’s money.  The CC company has nothing at risk in the transaction.  Virtually all liability for the transaction lies with the consumer. 

Of course, if the CC company isn’t using its own money in the CC transaction, the CC company won’t earn a fee or interest.  CC company business and profits will decline.

More, the credit card has provided significant stimulus for the economy by allowing “impulse” purchases.  You see it, you want it, you say “What th’ heck—I’ll pay for it next month”—and you purchase it with your credit card.  Impulse purchases stimulate the economy.

Debit cards provide no “impulse” purchases.  It’s just like using money in your wallet or in your bank account.  If you use your debit card out now, your saving will be diminished now.  (Takes all the fun out of shopping, doesn’t it?)  Less impulse purchasing tends to slow the economy.
•  “I would say that roughly 90 percent of the credit card lawsuits are flawed and can’t prove the person owes the debt,” said Noach Dear, a civil court judge in Brooklyn, who said he presided over as many as 100 such cases a day.”
Ninety percent?

If 90% of all current credit card transactions can’t be proved, then the credit card system may be, as a whole, so flawed that it can’t survive.  Anyone investing in a business model that’s exposed to a 90% collections failure is likely to lose their investment.

If it’s true that 90% of all CC transactions can’t be proved, then the CC business model may be doomed and we may soon see the end of most credit. 

But if credit ends, there’ll be less currency in circulation.  As M3 declines, the tendency towards deflation and economic depression should increase.
•  Last year, American Express sued Felicia Tancreto, claiming that she had stopped making payments . . .  Ms. Tancreto contested . . .   Judge Dear dismissed the lawsuit, citing a lack of evidence. The American Express employee who testified, the judge noted, provided generic testimony about the way the company maintained its records. The same witness gave similar evidence in other cases, which the judge said amounted to “robo-testimony.”
“Generic testimony” probably corresponds to the CC companies’ inability to prosecute the Chinaman.  No one who was actually party to each transaction (clerks, salesmen, cash register operators) remembers the Chinaman and can swear under oath that the Chinaman actually bought a dozen fresh clams on March 3rd.   Result?  Nothing’s left for evidence but some accounting clerk who can swear that the AmEx records are generally believed to be accurate—but who has no direct, personal knowledge or memory of any individual transaction.
American Express and other credit card companies defended their practices. Sonya Conway, a spokeswoman for American Express, said, “we strongly disagree with Judge Dear’s comments and believe that we have a strong process in place to ensure accuracy of testimony and affidavits provided to courts.”
Can the AmEx employee truthfully testify that the AmEx accounting procedures are rigorous and accurate?  Probably so.  But the AmEx employee cannot have personal knowledge of each of the hundreds of transactions that, in sum, created the defendant’s alleged debt.  There is virtually no possibility that the vast majority of alleged debts can be verified by anyone present at the time the debt was entered into—except the defendant. 

Even the defendant probably won’t clearly remember all of the debts he allegedly incurred.  Credit cards are all about “impulse” purchases.  Who remembers all of their impulses? If the debtor does remember all of his CC debts, he probably still won’t testify against himself. 

Without some third party who has direct, personal knowledge of each transaction—and is willing to appear in court to be cross-examined on his knowledge—it becomes almost impossible to enforce most credit card debt. 

Interviews with dozens of state judges, regulators and lawyers, however, indicated that such flaws are increasingly common in credit card suits. In certain instances, lenders are trying to collect money from consumers who have already paid their bills or increasing the size of the debts by adding erroneous fees and interest costs.

The problem, according to judges, is that credit card companies are not always following the proper legal procedures, even when they have the right to collect money. Certain cases hinge on mass-produced documents because the lenders do not provide proof of the outstanding debts, like the original contract or payment history.

The first problem is that in this computer age, it’s easy to store and retrieve a digital record of a transaction on a hard drive.  But that digital record is not the “original contract” (on paper) or the other actual documents carrying an actual signature.  At law, copies of documents have no real authority.  The only document that counts is the one with the actual, wet-ink signature.

So, when it comes time to litigate a debt, it’s easy to find the digital record of the transaction—but where the heck can we find the “original contract” or other actual documents?   Could they be in the pile in the back room with the other hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of other “original contracts”?  If so, how do we find the particular “original” on which our lawsuit depends?

The second fundamental problem is that banks, eager to earn fees from credit cards, formerly issued them to everyone who had a pulse.  The issuance of credit to virtually everyone was similar to the “sub-prime mortgage” mess where banks issued mortgages to people who couldn’t possibly repay the debt. 

In the case of credit cards, the banks issued credit cards to people who often didn’t have much moral fiber.  If times got tough, these credit card holders saw no reason not to exploit the credit cards and then leave the banks holding an uncollectable debt.

A lot of people would say that refusing to pay your credit card bills is morally wrong, and I’d agree with them.  I’d also say that banks being “bailed out” as “too big to fail” is also “morally wrong,” but whatcha gonna do?  Sometimes the banks rip off the public.  Sometimes the public rips off the banks.  We live in immoral times.  We have become an immoral people who can’t be relied on to voluntarily repay our debts.  We are therefore unworthy of credit—and credit will therefore be withheld.  As credit is restricted, the credit card industry will tend to wither or even die.

•  “Lawsuits against credit card borrowers are flooding the courts, according to the judges. While the amount of bad debt has fallen since the financial crisis, lenders are trying to work through the soured loans and clean up their books. In all, borrowers are behind on $18.7 billion of credit card debt, or roughly 3 percent of the total.

 3% isn’t so bad. 

$18 billion isn’t so much (at least not relative to the whole US economy). 

Still, that seemingly small debt has to mean that, in the future, fewer people will be allocated credit and the amount of credit allocated will be reduced.

More, although only 3% of credit card debt currently winds up in court, judges guestimate that 90% of all credit card accounts can’t be proved by the credit card companies.  That means that 90% of the people paying credit cards could “beat the rap” if they cared enough to learn how.

The whole credit card scheme is ultimately based on the honesty and integrity of the card-holders.  Again, so long as the card-holders voluntarily repay the debt, the credit card industry can continue to function.  But if the card-holders refuse to repay, banks may be unable to compel payment in as many as 90% (currently about $560 billion in credit card debts).

The economy can easily absorb a 3% loss ($19 billion) of credit card transactions.  But the economy might be shaken by the loss of 90% of credit card transaction ($550 billion).
•  Many judges said that their hands are tied. Unless a consumer shows up to contest a lawsuit, the judges cannot question the banks or comb through the lawsuits to root out suspicious documents. Instead, they are generally required to issue a summary judgment, in essence an automatic win for the bank.

[Therefore] The errors in credit card suits often go undetected, according to the judges. Unlike in foreclosures, the [CC] borrowers typically do not show up in court to defend themselves. As a result, an estimated 95 percent of lawsuits result in default judgments in favor of lenders. With a default judgment, credit card companies can garnish a consumer’s wages or freeze bank accounts to get their money back.
But as consumers go deeper into debt and unemployment, they’ll have more time to actually contest the credit card debts in court.  As they do, the number of default judgments favoring the CC companies will fall, the cost of prosecuting credit card debts will rise, and banks will become increasingly reluctant to make credit available to consumers. 

In the future, if you want credit, you’ll have to be something more than a mere “consumer”—you’ll have to show evidence that you have been, are, and are likely to continue being, a “producer”.

As the banks increasingly eschew mere “consumers,” we may see a revival of respect for the only people able to access credit:  producers.

As we regain our respect for producers (and lose respect for “consumers”) the nation’s system of values may change.  Our economy may evolve from “consumer-based” to “producer-based”.  Even our political system may shift from “entitlement-based” to a system based on equal rights—and equal responsibilities.  People might have to work to receive welfare.  Subsidies might disappear. 

Credit cards might die, but “Tis an ill wind that blows no good,” hmm?

•  Banks make their money by lending.  As it becomes increasingly difficult for banks to collect debts, banks will not only suffer losses in revenue, they’ll lend less.  Result?  The stream of credit available to the public and the fees and interest that would otherwise accrue to the banks will shrink.

Three implications:

1)  Whatever stimulus (QE3) the Federal Reserve wants to provide to the public will be at least partially offset by diminished access to credit card debt;

2)  Banks will make less money in the future and therefore be increasingly prone to fail;

3)  As banks restrict access to credit, the economy will tend to slow, recession will be prolonged, depression will become more likely.

America’s decreasing access to credit will not, by itself, cause an economic collapse.

But diminished credit is another “leaf in the breeze” that shows which way the economy is heading. We’re losing confidence in our economy and in our individual ability to make good on our debts.  In addition to virtually all the other “leaves” that we can see “blowing in the wind,” it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that our economic “wind” is blowing from prosperity and towards depression.

For the best in pricing and service for gold and silver coins, call Melody at 1-800-375-4188.  Be sure to listen to DGSTC live on Short-wave 7.415Mhz M-F 4:00PM ET, and 3.215 MHz M-F 11PM ET.   Call 1-800-375-4188 or visit the Web site at

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By Herbalist Wendy Wilson

World governments are preparing for virus infection on a massive scale. We've been told that the H1N1 bird flu pandemic was horrific and exposed a weakness in the global system. Governments say they want to quickly act with vaccine distribution and administration to stop pandemics. Texas was one of the first states in 2010 to launch an attack plan for future pandemics called Project Green Vax. The purpose of the project was to procure a vaccine at a much faster rate by growing viruses on plants (tobacco) rather than on animal organs. The Texas A&M University System along with pharmaceutical company G-Con are collaborating on Project Green Vax and it is located on the Texas A&M campus; 21-acres in the Health Science Center. Inside, 145,000 square feet is dedicated to handling powerful strains of viruses and making vaccines. This was a $21 million investment and the Defense Department contributed another $40 million. Texas A&M is a major biological pharmaceutical manufacturing hub, which will be tapping the shoulder of the Engineering Experiment Station and any emerging technology to further their massive vaccine production and delivery systems. Other states such as North Carolina have similar programs, which are overseen by Homeland Security and DARPA in Triangle Park. These manufacturing facilities are not considered bioweapon hubs but instead are called biotherapeutic centers. The Texas A&M facility is called the National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing (NCTM). Project Green Vax will crank out 100 million doses of vaccine per month. These players are counting on disease and mass amounts of it.

"Project Green Vax and the National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing are game-changers. They have the potential to transform not just vaccine production, but the entire biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry." Dr. Brett Giroir, Vice Chancellor of Research Texas A&M

"Although the initial goal is to produce influenza vaccines, plant-based production is highly adaptable to other infectious diseases and even cancer." Dr. Barry Holtz, President of G-Con Pharmaceutical

If you read about G-Con, LLC you'll learn that it has been in the pharmaceutical business for thirty years and this Texas-based company has the goal to be the leading player in the biomanufacturing industry.

Some people would agree that the scientific community is moving in the right direction using plants instead of animals to product vaccines. Most vaccines have been produced using chicken eggs. They crack a chicken egg and inject the influenza virus into the surrounding fluid (near the embryo). The idea is to infect the embryo with the virus and it multiplies. The eggs are incubated for several days and then opened and the virus is removed, (supposedly purified) and viola you have a vaccine. So what's the problem with this approach? Apparently it doesn't produce enough vaccine. Big pharma will use 900 million chicken eggs and produce only 300 million doses (Source: US Department of Health & Human Services). When they shift to use plants and infect the plant's leaves with the virus, grinding up the leaves, separating the produced antigens and viola you have a vaccine. However, there are scientific pros and cons to using plants. The pros are; they grow faster, are cheaper to use and produce more volume than the egg version. The drawback is that after nearly ten years of trying to perfect this process there have been no approved vaccines made from plants. Why is that? According to biochemist and Professor Brett Finlay at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver , one problem is the proteins the plants make are different than what are produced with the egg version, which makes them not as effective in humans. In other words, the FDA has not signed off on this process for making vaccines yet. The other problem is that the tobacco leaf was infected with the mosaic virus, which disrupts proteins and is able to reassemble viruses. Sounds like the tobacco would not be the plant of choice to use in vaccine production, unless of course you want it to reassemble and mutate viruses. Dr. Rebecca Carley stated that the tobacco leaf infection was on purpose (read more here page 83 and 91 under Discussion

How many vaccine manufacturers do we have in the United States? We have ten that announce publicly they make vaccines and account for approximately 80% of the vaccines made globally. According to European Vaccine Manufacturers, there is one facility in the UK, Netherlands, France, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic and Switzerland. There are two facilities in Germany. You can see the list at In 1967 there were 37 manufacturers in the US and by 1984 there were 15.   Supply and demand affect every business. Other things that influence pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines are; shortages, price, market share, costs, research and development, global harmonization, market expansion, incentives and limitations. Obviously they don't have to worry about law suits now and I didn't see anything that suggested they were concerned about ethics. I came across an article written in 2004 by John Calfee and Scott Gottlieb where they state that the US government fixed the problem vaccine manufacturers faced. According to the General Accountability Office, we're to believe that the vaccine market nearly collapsed and that the government swooped in to lift regulated prices, liability suits and FDA cautions that were crippling that industry. After all, if the government hadn't handed Big pharma a pass, the likelihood that new and improved technology for developing vaccines would be stifled. In 1985, sales for vaccines were down while the research and development costs were up.   However, with all the tax payer money going to the new research, such as Project Green Vax and others like it, we still have not resolved many of this industry's problems originally concluded in the government's core reports. However, now Big pharma can use tax payer money to develop the vaccines and once they are approved, they can reap the financial rewards. It looks to me that the tax payer gets stuck even if they don't get vaccinated.

Currently we don't have any vaccines that are pulling down block buster sales like other pharmaceutical products. Experts expect vaccines to remain below the profit margins which are generated by big drugs. Modest profits are what Big pharma can expect at present, unless there were a global pandemic. If that happens, the tax payer developed vaccines will be sold to the highest global bidder pushing the vaccine into the billion dollar sales category. The financial markets are a buzz but they think a block buster vaccine is years away. The reality of economics is that if vaccines are to be profitable the public has to believe the vaccine is necessary and willfully take them. The other option is to administer by force. The target of the WHO is to have 75% of the world population vaccinated. Just a fraction of that figure would start a pandemic. Global statistics suggest that healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, physical therapists, dentists etc.) are the group receiving the fewest vaccinations (Source To improve on these numbers the WHO in conjunction with the European Vaccine Manufacturers (EVM) have developed a strategy such as; to improve vaccine technology, vaccine preservatives (adjuvants), produce alternative delivery systems (nasal spray) etc. Regardless of the general public's acceptance of vaccines, every manufacturer has dramatically increased production capacity since 2007 from 500 million doses within a ten-month-period to 1 billion globally. This tells me, we will no longer have a seasonal flu bug with low mortality but a much greater threat is on the horizon – a manmade seasonal pandemic.  

How many bio defense labs does the US need or have? We have 12 BSL-4 labs; five were built after 2000 and the rest were already built or remodeled for the upgrade. We have labs in GA (has two), MD (has three), TX (has three), VA, MT and MA. Most of us have heard stories of the lax security and safety procedures at labs such as these. According to BioPrepWatch, the US is about to get more biodefense labs. The campus of Texas A&M was recently upgraded in July 2012 to a National Biodefense Center. They openly state that this campus is engaged in creating countermeasures against chemical and biological agents. Other states with labs of this stature are Maryland and North Carolina. Apparently the funding Texas A&M is getting solves many of its problems. Thus far the funds the federal government has pumped into this campus is the largest in history $176 million. There was a private contribution assisted by the Department of Health & Human Services of $285.6 million.

My strategy against disease is to strengthen the immune system with God's medicine. I avoid the things that can weaken the immune system such as; stress, excessive alcohol, vaccines and antibiotics are just a few big players that disrupt our body's natural ability to defend us from disease. Healthy diets, regular exercise and a positive outlook can do wonders for boosting immunity. Layer in some immune boosting and organ cleansing and you can boost immunity ten fold. If a pandemic should occur you'll be prepared for that. The last thing I would do is be injected with a pandemic vaccine or any vaccine. Visit Apothecary Herbs for the 100% organic Pandemic Kit. You will also find other immune boosting and organ cleanse formulas. Children can use these kits and formulas as well. Call Apothecary Herbs to order or for a free product catalog 866-229-3663, International 704-885-0277 or, where your healthcare options just became endless.  For a limited time orders over $50.00 receive FREE US domestic ground ship and a FREE Power Herbs e-book valued at $14.99. Hurry! Expires 8/15/12.


Herbalist Wendy Wilson will interview Dr. Rebecca Carley Aug. 21 7 pm EST on AVR. Go to Herb Talk Live & Radio Archive area for network link access and past shows to download and share. For Android users you can download a FREE app for Herb Talk Live on GCN. See the download link under radio archives at top of page at

The information contained herein is not intended to diagnosis, treat, prevent or cure disease. Please seek the advice from a licensed medical physician before using any product or therapy. 

Rebecca Carley, MD

One of the consequences of the insidious corruption of the medical profession is that doctors have no clue as to how to take a proper history from their patients.  Never do they ask about toxin exposure, except for perhaps a history of smoking in a patient diagnosed with lung cancer.  Increasingly we are seeing scientists blaming every disease under the sun on the patient's genetics.  We constantly hear of different genes being discovered which are being associated with different diseases (despite the fact that rarely do any other family members have that disease).  Increasingly doctors target the patient's DNA as the cause of their diseases, ordering  genetic tests on patients on a regular basis.  If an abnormality is discovered in a large number of patients with a specific disease, that genetic defect will eventually be blamed as a cause for the disease rather than the question being asked as to what caused the genetic defect in the first place.  Since the majority of genetic defects are being caused by the inoculation of foreign DNA in tissue cultures being used to grow vaccine viruses, genetic defects are becoming more widespread.  But genetic defects are just one of many of the consequences of inoculation with disease, which include all autoimmune diseases, non-traumatic seizures and cancer, in people and in pets.  Even though seizures are one of the few side effects admitted on vaccine information statements, not one of my clients who consulted with me to reverse their seizures has ever been asked by their white coat about their vaccine history.   

Doctors are not taught to search for the true cause of any disease (since it would become obvious that the majority of disease is caused by medical treatments and vaccines, as well as environmental, food related and other toxins).  All treatments result in side effects and no one ever gets cured, since medical insurance does not cover any natural solutions which actually cure disease.  If a patient develops an admitted side effect from a prescribed treatment, never will the prescriber admit there is a side effect being exhibited.  Instead, another drug will be prescribed for that symptom. And thus the slippery slope to death by medicine continues.

One thing that most people are not aware of is how dangerous diagnostic tests can be (which doctors order instead of getting a complete history from patients).  Even frequent blood tests can result in death.  A common scenario seen when people are in the hospital is that blood draws are done, often times every day, to "monitor" the patient's progress.  A test always done is the CBC; the complete blood count.  The daily bloodletting of the patient by the blood drawing team eventually will lead to a dangerous level of anemia.  Once the hematocrit becomes low enough, the transfusions will commence.  Transfusions are one of the most dangerous procedures done in hospitals.  There are dozens of antigens and infectious organisms possibly present in donated blood which are not tested for.  But the most common fatal outcome of a blood transfusion is a transfusion reaction, where the patient develops antibodies against the donated blood.  Those antibodies then attack the patient's blood, causing a further decrease in the patient's blood count; the more transfusions, the more antibodies are created.  At a certain point, the process becomes fatal, as the destruction of red blood cells cannot be stopped.

Another insane diagnostic test is the cardiac stress test.  You take a patient who has chest pain, an abnormal EKG or whatever, and then put them on a treadmill.  They are forced to physically exert themselves to a degree they would never attempt in their everyday lives.  A common result HEART ATTACK.  People do not know that there is a high percentage of patients who must be rushed to the x-ray suite for an emergency heart catherization and then to the operating room for coronary bypass surgery as a result of a stress test.  What a wonderful way to create new customers!

The radiation used to perform mammography assaults the most radiosensitive tissue in the body.  If you get mammograms long enough, you WILL get breast cancer.  The pressure necessary to compress the breast during the procedure will burst the capsule of the tumor if one is present, causing the cancer to be spread throughout the breast.

At a certain age, people are advised to have a colonoscopy.  One of the possible side effects of that procedure is perforation of the colon, a life threatening side effect which requires emergency abdominal surgery.  One of the dangers that patients are NEVER warned about is the substance used to clean the scopes.  Since the scopes cannot be autoclaved due to the fiberoptics in them, a chemical called Cidex is used.  The Cidex itself can cause multiple problems, as discussed at  .  However, even worse is what can happen if the scopes are not left in the Cidex long enough.  A few years ago in Long Island, a colonoscopy clinic which was not properly cleaning their scopes caused 16 people to become infected with Hepatitis B.  Imagine hearing you have no polyps, but you do have a potentially life threatening infection resulting from the test itself.

One of the most dangerous diagnostic tests is any radiological test which involves contrast dye.  Radiation is cumulative, so that in itself is potentially dangerous.  Radiation causes cancer; getting a CAT scan can give a radiation dose equivalent to 800 chest x-rays to the patient.  Add to that the dangers of contrast agents used to visualize the vascular system during CAT scans, MRI's or coronary catherizations noted at . Regardless of the claim that serious side effects are "rare", as with all drug reactions, side effects are underreported; and of course, if it happens to YOU, it is irrelevant how many others have been affected.  I have done consults for many people with renal failure in the past 15 years, and the most common cause is autoimmunity caused by vaccines.  However, very often a person will report that they were diagnosed as having impaired renal function, and then sent for a radiological imaging study of their kidneys using contrast media.  This is the equivalent of sending a person with chest pain for a stress test, as the person with already compromised renal function is more likely to end up with renal failure after being injected with these dangerous contrast agents.  This results in the necessity of dialysis or a kidney transplant .once again, more customers for the medical mafia! 

Another commonly used contrast agent for x-ray studies is barium.  This is the substance they give you to drink or infuse via enema to study the GI tract.  I was a radiologic technologist before I went to medical school, and we were never told about any side effects of barium.  I had an upper GI series when I was in college, and I realized that the barium becomes like plaster of paris in the colon, and it was very hard to expel.  That in itself can cause problems, especially in the elderly.  However, as I monitor tel-lie-vision to see what the sheep are being fed, I was shocked to see an episode of Nancy Grace on the HLN network on 8/8/12 involving an infectious disease doctor named Hal Hill in Tennesee who was accused of poisoning his wife by putting BARIUM in her coffee!  Media minion Grace reported that barium is a heavy metal like strontium and mercury, and used in rat poison and x-ray studies.  The toxic dose she reported was 7 micrograms per milliliter.  Another twilight zone moment for me when I mixed up barium solutions for patients in my x-ray tech days, there was never any mention of a "toxic dose".  WHY NOT?       

You can learn for yourself some of the side effects of barium at .  Please spread the word! 

Take good care of your "Fish"
by Dr. Stefanie Gross-Rodsater D.C.

Owning your own fish tank can be a rewarding and relaxing experience.  Health benefits have been noted by those who enjoy the peaceful relaxation that comes from watching fish.  However, it does take some care in maintaining a healthy fish tank.  You must clean the gravel, keep the chemical levels safe in the water, clean the filter and feed the appropriate amounts and quality. 

What would happen if you took care of your fish like you took care of your body?  Would you pollute your fish tank with coffee every morning, giving them a little caffeine to get their gills flapping?  Imagine how long the fish would live if you poured some coffee into the tank when the fish looked a little sluggish, followed by some food filled with fat, grease or sugar.  Then, stressed them out all day by tapping on the glass.  Finally, to end the day, you dump in a nice, cold Miller Lite.  The fish wouldn't last a day

For those who do own a fish tank, you notice that the slightest little stress will lead to disease.  Your fish get stressed out and they develop white spots.  Oh no, they've got Ich.  Did they catch Ich or was it because of the stress?  How would you treat it?  Would you use Ich Away or remove the stress?  I made the mistake of using a chemical to treat my ill fish.  He got better temporarily and then all my fish died because they got stressed from the chemicals I used to treat the Ich.  Never again.

The lesson is obvious; we are slowly killing ourselves with drugs and chemicals instead of changing our lifestyle.  Cures don't come in a bottle and diseases don't mysteriously appear in our bodies.  Diseases are a result of physical, chemical and emotional stress overwhelming our body.  Change your lifestyle and improve your health.

Your body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism that is controlled by the brain and nervous system.  Our brains are programmed for health and healing, as long as the signals are flowing back and forth to the brain and body correctly.  However, there are many stresses (we call them the three T's, thoughts, traumas, and toxins) that create subluxation or interferences within our nervous system, decreasing the body's ability to self-heal and self-regulate. Removing the interference with a chiropractic adjustment, works to restore full communication between the brain and nervous system to allow for healing.   We know it is hard to always avoid the three T's, but you must remember how this will impact your health, just as it affects the health of the fish in the tank. 

So are you and your children benefiting from regular chiropractic wellness care - even when they are symptom free? To see if chiropractic may be able to help you call 704-895-7227 today!

This article was written by Dr. Stefanie Gross-Rodsater D.C., a doctor of chiropractic in Huntersville, NC at Adjusting the World Chiropractic.  Dr. Stefanie has been certified through the ICPA in Webster's technique and Pediatric Chiropractic.  Check out and!

Curing with Cayenne
by Ty Bollinger

The hot fruit of the cayenne plant ("capsicum annuum ") has been used as superb culinary spice for centuries. However, did you know that in addition to tickling your tongue, cayenne is perhaps the most valuable medicinal herb in the herb kingdom, not only for the entire digestive system, but also for the heart and circulatory system?  High in Vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium and potassium, studies have shown that cayenne can also rebuild the tissue in the stomach and the peristaltic action in the intestines. Interestingly, cayenne acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other herbs and alternative cancer treatments; the active ingredient in cayenne is called "capsaicin."

Have you ever gone after the chips and salsa with gusto and then felt flushed and your nose started to run a little bit? Cayenne warms the body and stimulates the release of mucus from the respiratory passages. If you've ever eaten a fresh hot pepper, you know that they can clear the sinuses and cause sweating. Cayenne actually can raise the body temperature a bit, as it stimulates circulation and blood flow to the skin. An herb such as cayenne that promotes fever and sweating is considered to have a diaphoretic (sweat-inducing) action. This action can help reduce fevers and relieve such the congestion of colds and sinusitis.

Regarding alternative cancer treatmetns in 2004, Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava and colleagues (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine) treated pancreatic cells with capsaicin and found that it disrupted mitochondrial function and induced apoptosis (programmed cell death) in the cancerous cells without affecting normal pancreatic cells. The results of the study were published in the April 20, 2005, issue of Innovations Report, in which Dr. Srivastava stated: " Our results demonstrate that capsaicin is a potent anticancer agent, induces apoptosis in cancer cells and produces no significant damage to normal pancreatic cells, indicating its potential use as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for pancreatic cancer."

In an article published in Reuters on March 16, 2006, entitled, "Hot Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer Cells in Study," Dr. Soren Lehmann of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine asserted: "Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture. It caused 80% of the prostate cancer cells growing in mice to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis." Researchers in Japan have also shown that cayenne pepper can dramatically slow the development of prostate tumors, thus is an excellent addition to an alternative cancer treatment for this type cancer.

And if cayenne's cancer-fighting capabilities weren't enough, its effects upon the venous structure and heart are nothing short of miraculous. Cayenne is incredibly nourishing to the heart and has been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds.  If you want to carry something in your first aid kit for a heart attack, carry a cayenne tincture. According to Dr. John R. Christopher, " In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in (if they are still breathing) I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water) and within minutes they are up and around."

But that's not all. In addition to being a welcome addition to an alternative cancer treatment, there is also evidence to suggest that cayenne may be useful in the treatment of obesity. Results of one trial showed that consumption of 10 grams of cayenne pepper with meals helped to reduce appetite, while results of another revealed that cayenne increases the metabolism of dietary fats. Lastly, herbalists from centuries past would pour cayenne pepper directly on fresh wounds in order to sterilize and stop the bleeding.

Many of us (over 90%) have worms or different parasites in our systems. One simple way to get rid of them is to have a "cayenne drink" daily. Fill up a glass with water or juice and then add 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper. Stir it up and then "down the hatch." Yes, it's a bit spicy, but you'll get used to it.

Truth be told, the amazing curative powers of cayenne are almost mind-boggling. Clearly, it should be considered nothing less than a "wonder herb" that has scientifically proven its worth!  According to Dr. Richard Schulze, "If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other."

On a personal note, I take cayenne pepper every day as part of my nutritional regimen and a "preventative" alternative cancer treatment. I also keep a cayenne tincture in the house and in both cars just in case

OK, hopefully that provides you with a good overview of the many medicinal uses of cayenne. Until next time, may God bless you all.

~ Ty Bollinger is the host of "The CancerTruth Chronicles" weekly radio show, health freedom advocate, and author of the best-selling book, "Cancer-Step Outside the Box." His website is

Look for Melody Cedarstrom's and Al Adask's Financial update in next week's issue.

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